A chronicle of movement aimed at synchronizing thoughts and keyboards with said movement.


The non-post!

The wireless internet in our place hasn't risen from last night, apparently. It occasionally sends out a few spurts of signals, just for good measure, but hits the snooze button directly after doing so. Thus, my connectivity meter is looming perilously in the red, walking along a taut string that could mean any picture-filled post could topple at the next whim of the internet machine. And while I could waltz down the melodramatic and sinuous hallways, false poetic and gluttonous on words, I'll avoid it. We've all got things to do, like cook with the pasta sauce and garlic and tomatoes and cheese that I just bought. So yes, come to London. I'll cook you a pasta dish with sauce and cheese and other adornments!

So we'll let the Belle and Sebastian post marinate in the bowels of my computer right now, but I'll just say that it was better than the beer fest. Second just to being born. Second to dying, too. <--- (they, 12 of them, played that song during the show).


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would very much like to come and have you make me pasta. and i agree with justin.

12:42 PM

Blogger Scheity said...

This wall abuse will not be tolerated. We all know that General Gao provides ample food for all of China.

11:46 PM


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